
Organic Turmeric(Fresh & Dried)

Specification Organic Fresh Turmeric Organic Dried Turmeric
Origin Organic farms Organic farms
Type Whole root Dried slices or powder
Color Bright orange Deep yellow to orange
Texture Firm, smooth Hard, brittle
Taste Earthy, slightly bitter Concentrated earthy, slightly bitter
Aroma Mild, aromatic Intense, aromatic
Moisture Content High Low
Shelf Life Short Long
Storage Refrigeration recommended Cool, dry place
Nutritional Value Rich in curcuminoids, vitamins, and minerals Concentrated curcuminoids, vitamins, and minerals
Uses Culinary, medicinal Culinary, medicinal
Processing Method Washed, sometimes peeled Dried and ground
Packaging Usually loose or in bunches Sealed bags or containers
Certifications Organic, sometimes fair trade Organic, sometimes fair trade